#Alarmgoing off in 2001 mercedes kompressor full
You can accomplish this using a diagnostic scanner such as YOUCANIC Full System Scanner.

You will need to start by reading the fault codes from the AAM module. Now, this is where this repair can get expensive because you either need to go to a mechanic or purchase diagnostic scanners. The last step is to diagnose the AAM module. Step 5: Diagnose All Activity Module (AAM) Test to see if lock / unlock functions are working.
#Alarmgoing off in 2001 mercedes kompressor how to
Instructions on how to sync the Mercedes remote: For model-specific instruction, check your owner’s manual. Below you will find general instructions on synchronizing a Mercedes key fob. There are a few cases when you need to program your key fob remote to your Mercedes-Benz. Even the new keys purchased from the dealer should function properly once you insert them into the ignition. This works in most cases, but now and then, you may need to follow further instructions to synchronize your Mercedes key fob remote with your car. To synchronize a Mercedes-Benz key to your car, you only need to insert the key into the ignition for a few seconds.

Don’t use a higher ampere rating than what is recommended. Always replace blown fuses with the same ampere rating fuse. Depending on the MB class, this fuse can be found in one of the fuse boxes in the engine bay, side of the dashboard, under the rear seat, or trunk. Because your MB receives the lock / unlock signal via the antennas installed on your car, a bad antenna module fuse can also cause the Mercedes key fob to stop working. Not only that, but also look at the fuse for the Antenna Module and AAM. Next, you need to check the fuse for the central locking circuit. Remove the metal key from the keyfob and use it to unlock the doors manually. Watch the following video to learn how to test if the Mercedes key fob is working properly. If you see the infrared light, the problem is elsewhere, so continue to the next step. You have a defective key if you don’t see infrared light. Point the camera to your phone and carefully see if you notice a light every time you turn you press a button on the remote. While you can’t see infrared light with your eyes, there is an easy way to check. Next, we need to check if the remote sends a message. Step 2: Check the Infra-red signal using your phone If the light comes on, then continue to the next step.

If the light doesn’t turn on, you have a bad key fob remote. The light should light up whenever you press any of the buttons (Lock, Unlock, Panic, Trunk). When you press the button on your key you should see a small RED led light. Next, look carefully at your Mercedes-Benz key. Ensure you have new batteries in your key fob.