1 cfm is equal to 0.00047194745 cubic meter/second. You can view more details on each measurement unit: cfm or m3/s The SI derived unit for volume flow rate is the cubic meter/second. For more information see Wikipedia’s page on standard conditions for temperature and pressure. We assume you are converting between cubic foot/minute and cubic metre/second. (ø / 2)²) = v tool to calculate the velocity by entering the previously calculated volume flow rate, and the diameter of the pipe. Convert between volume flow units like gpm, liter/sec, cfm, m3/h. Specify mass or standard volume be understood Standard 70F & 14.696 PSIA, Normal 0C & 1.013 BarA these standard conditions are one choice among many standards.Flow Rate Converter - Online Tools Cytiva Airflow Calculator CUI Devices WebFlow.

How do I calculate the velocity?įirst you need to use this ṁ / ρ = Q tool to calculate the volume flow rate by entering each mass flow rate and density value. The mass flow rate is equal whether the flow is stated in CFM or SCFM. I have heat exchanger in/out mass flow rate readings for a liquid, and the densities for each liquid type. Help Calculating velocity from mass flow rate & density The table here gives air densities at 5 degree intervals. This is the volume of substance which will pass in a unit of time for the selected mass flow rate and substance density. At 15 degrees Celsius, at sea level, the density of air is 1.225 kg/m3 k g / m 3. WebThe air flow conversion calculator can be used to convert between common. DensityĮnter the density of the substance that is flowing Volumetric Flow Rate Calculation mass.html Volumetric Flow Rate Conversion Calculator - High accuracy Gas. The formula used by this calculator to calculate the volume flow is:Įnter the rate at which a quantity of substance mass will flow in a unit of time. When a volume flow rate is calculated a chart will be generated showing related conversion values for mass versus volume flow for the specified substance density. Use this calculator to convert mass flow rate and density of a substance to the rate of volumetric flow. Calculating velocity from mass flow rate & density.